BiMart 125 Nascar K & N with PRO3, GASS, and SCRS

Oregon Region SCCA October 2010 Regional Races
CSCC Doernbecher Dash, Sept 2010
Oregon Region SCCA Sept 2010 Regional Races
Oregon Region SCCA - August 2010

Rose City Corvette Day at PIR - Aug 2010
Portland Historic Races, July 2010
July Double National, Oregon Region SCCA
CSCC June 2010 Chicane Challenge Races
Double Nationals with Regional and Vintage at Pacific Raceways - May 2010

Team Continental - Oregon Raceway Park - Founders Grand Prix, May 2010

Oregon Region SCCA May 2010 National and Regional Races

CSCC April 2010 Rose City Opener Races

Oregon Region SCCA April 2010

Oregon Region SCCA March 2010
© Doug Berger / DBPics